Do you wish to sell a jet, or wish to buy one, our acquisition consultants can serve as your marketplace experts. If you have a plane you wish to sell, Sky diamond jets Services can help you find the right buyer. If you are looking for a new or previously owned jet, we can help you locate the ideal aircraft for your requirements.
You can rely on complete and accurate data—and knowledgeable, unbiased advice.
- Our available aircraft management services ensure a seamless ownership experience.
- We assist you in a smooth and streamlined process.
- We have extensive marketing skills, technical knowledge, financial and regulatory expertise.
- Our real-world operational experience will help you make the best decisions.
There are four main cost categories to consider, each with specific costs related to aircraft purchase, operation, and maintenance. Generalizations of these costs should be avoided when possible, as they may vary considerably by utilization strategy, geographic area of operation and type of aircraft. Aircraft manufacturers or experienced consultants can assist companies in the detailed understanding and prediction of these costs. The categories are outlined below.